Jose Ortiz
Wow, this guy is so good .. kinda shits on everything I have done, hope he shits on he too.
Wow, this guy is so good .. kinda shits on everything I have done, hope he shits on he too.
Those geniuses at Fallon London are at it again for Sony BRAVIA. First they had the bouncing balls in San Francisco, then the tower of paint in Glasgow, and now bunnies on the streets of Manhattan. Fair warning - if for some reason you’re scared of bunnies, don’t watch this video. The advertisement, titled “Play-doh” features 200 plasticine bunnies hopping around and a large 30 foot bunny in Thomas Paine Park in Lower Manhattan.
The ad’s director said it was technically the most difficult thing he’s done, “It is an incredibly difficult situation to control. You have New Yorkers wandering through frames and you have no say over it because we’re doing it for real.” It took 2.5 tons of plasticine, 40 animators three weeks to choreograph the bunnies, and 100,000 images for the 60-second spot. The ad, which was filmed over three weeks this summer, also features a crashing wave, a whale, and lots of New Yorkers.
Fascinated by their use of animated holograms in the fashion show environment, we asked Diesel to explain how some of the technology worked. Mysteriously, the nice guy we spoke to wouldn’t give his name, nor could he shed too much light on the unique process they used. Keeping the magic alive you see. But here’s what could tell us about how they did it…
“The visuals are projected through a series of ‘foils’ into mid air, so you see the images in mid-air. The models can then interact with them and walk through them. We used plastic foils placed at 45 degree angles so that the projected light from the ceiling goes onto a foil, is reflected on to another and then into the air.
We worked it so it had a real catwalk feel and so that you could view it from both sides: you can see the models, the holograms and the public from both sides. It’s never been used this way before as the technology has just been used in the corporate world before, for sales presentations, and the visuals have always just been viewed from one side. So we set up two rigs instead.
The animations were done with standard CGI animation software but were made for a 15m by 2.5m screen. It’s all rendered in HD, too, so was quite demanding as it’s 30 frames per second. We worked on the whole thing, from storyboard through to the final render in just two and a half months. Bringing together Dvein and Vizoo gave us this unique, truly holographic, 3D motion graphic experience.”
- CR Blog
Typographics is a movie about typography from the Vancouver Film school by Boca (aka Marcos Ceravolo) and Ryan Uhrich.
Music video made by award winning fellow graphic designer Adam Cable.
Artist: Costar
Music Video by Adam Cable, Svein Kvamme
UVA’s approach combines three disciplines: art direction, production design and software engineering. Our philosophy is to tightly integrate these elements to deliver real-time, immersive and responsive experiences. UnitedVisualArtists
The mission of PSST is to produce original short films through the collaboration of different teams of designers, directors, and animators. Each film is comprised of three sections produced by three different teams. View here