Tracking Software Gets Blocked Making It Difficult For Advertising Business To Get Consumers

January 18th, 2012Posted by admin

Tracking Software Gets Blocked Making It Difficult For Advertising Business To Get Consumers
© Nick Kellett

According to a recent study, Apple mobile iOS devices are presenting a huge blindspot to advertisers who utilize tracking software. These devices are used by 130 million people, but up to 80% running the Safari browser don't count paid-search conversions (clicks) because cookie tracking is blocked. Overall, when you count all browsers, an average 38% of all paid-search clicks are not being counted.

These numbers are relevant for third-party cookies, not first-party cookies which come only from websites you visit. Because you don't get paid for what can't be measured, this blindspot poses a growing challenge to the online advertising industry, and especially to Google. The way that advertisers can overcome this problem is to use first-party cookies served from the Websites people visit, or to come up with better ways to measure the performance of online ads.

Mobile Pay Per Click Advertising

January 18th, 2012Posted by admin

Mobile Pay Per Click Advertising
© Search Engine People Blog

For many online retailers, the share of pay per click (PPC) revenues from mobile devices is rising across the board.

While the overall percentage of PPC that mobile accounts for remains small, it is growing quickly with some retailers seeing 600-900% year on year increases in mobile's share of PPC revenue from advertising through Google AdWords. By default, PPC advertising campaigns are already syndicated through mobile devices. You can examine the impact that mobile is having on the profitability of your campaigns by running reports in the "Campaigns" tab within AdWords. If your return on investment is low on ads that are served via mobile devices, consider disabling syndication to mobile temporarily. If your ROI is high, though, you can try to scale those profits even further. One way to do this is to build campaigns devoted specifically to mobile.

Increasing Popularity of Outdoor Advertising Formats

June 17th, 2011Posted by admin

Increasing Popularity of Outdoor Advertising Formats
© dbasulto

The flashy Rolex on the billboard matched my brand new Rolex that flashed on my wrist. I had purchased this awesome Rolex Oyster Perpetual from goldsea24 after striking a profitable deal a month ago. Goldsea24 is one of the best websites offering the latest designs and models in watches and other fashion accessories and I'm an ardent fan of their exhaustive catalog.

The billboard was now behind me as I maneuvered my way through the rush hour. My interest in the latest outdoor advertising technology has kept me updated with the numerous formats focusing on the consumers "on the go". I often look around for the innovative outdoor advertising formats in the four categories of street furniture, billboards, transit and alternative. It's really interesting to note that annual revenue of $6.99 billion was generated in 2008 in the USA through outdoor advertising. The figures certainly speak volumes about the caliber and impact of outdoor advertising as an important marketing format.

Advertisers are now lapping up the unparalleled ability of digital and electronic billboards to change their messages rapidly and efficiently. Networked billboards or those that are operated from remote locations have added a new dimension to outdoor advertising formats. Local businesses are increasingly turning towards this digitized medium to target consumers on busy crossings, highways, buildings and other public places.

I must confess that in spite of my wife's repeated warnings to keep my eyes on the wheel and the road ahead, I still end up admiring the massive Rolex hoarding looking down on me ,on a busy street.